$ 75.00 / month for 1 month
Exclusive 1 month offer of creative services
Design of Artist Social Media Cover Pages
Retouching of Artists images
Artist Template for social media posts
Creating of 30 second artist promo videos
To get people to come to shows, buy merch, buy albums, listen to new music, etc. you need to be connecting with them physically and digitally. Being on social media can help you bridge the gap between you and your audience. It can connect you to fans and help humanize you.
Fans crave a personal interaction with the artist, band or brand and social media makes this possible. Traditional media broadcasts to thousands or millions of people at once, which is far less intimate than what social media can offer. Audiences that do not have any personal relationship with an artist, tend to engage more with those that have beautifully designed visual graphics over their social media pages. As an undiscovered independent artist, visually this serves as a booster over social media to help you get discovered.